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2024年08月26日 11:56  点击:[]



主要研究领域为复杂网络模糊系统、脉冲控制等。在Neural NetworksNonlinear DynamicsIET Control Theory & Applications、Fuzzy Sets and Systems等国际权威期刊上发表SCI学术论文20余篇,担任Nonlinear Dynamics、Fuzzy Sets and Systems、Applied Mathematics and Computation、Nonlinear Aanlysis-Hybrid Systems等国际权威期刊审稿人。主持国家自然科学基金青年基金项目1项,参与国家自然科学基金7项,主持重庆市自然科学基金面上项目2项,重庆市教委重点项目1项,重庆市教委青年项目2项,校级项目1项。发表教改论文4篇,主持教改项目2项。



[1].国家自然科学基金委员会,青年科学基金项目, 61903052,基于变时刻脉冲控制的时滞复杂网络固定时间同步研究, 2020/01-2022/12,24万元,结题,主持。

[2].重庆市科学技术委员会,自然科学基金(面上项目), CSTB2024NSCQ-MSX0008,基于阶跃函数方法研究时滞多层网络的设定时间同步及图像加密, 2024/07-2027/06,5万元,在研,主持。

[3].重庆市科学技术委员会,自然科学基金(面上项目), cstc2019jcyj-msxmX0769,带有状态相关脉冲控制器的耦合时滞复杂网络固定时间同步研究, 2019/07-2022/06, 10万元,结题,主持。

[4].重庆市教育委员会,重点项目,基于阶跃函数方法研究部分耦合复杂网络的预定时间同步及图像加密解密, 2024/10-2027/09,6万元,在研,主持。

[5].重庆市教育委员会,青年项目, KJQN202200822,脉冲控制有向图TS模糊复杂网络快速固定时间二部同步, 2022/10-2025/09, 4万元,在研,主持。

[6].重庆市教育委员会,青年项目, KJQN201900828,基于变时刻脉冲控制的时滞TS模糊系统固定时间稳定性及其控制器设计, 2019/10-2022/10, 4万元,结题,主持。




[1].ShijuYang; Wanli Zhang; Dongmei Ruan; Ting Yang; Yu Li. Fast fixed-time impulsive bipartite synchronization of TS fuzzy complex networks with signed graphs. Nonlinear Analysis: Hybrid Systems, 2023, 48: 101325(SCI,JCR Q1)

[2].ShijuYang; Chuandong Li; Xiping He; Wanli Zhang. Variable-time impulsive control for bipartite synchronization of coupled complex networks with signed graphs. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2022, 420: 126899(SCI,JCR Q1, TOP期刊)

[3].ShijuYang; Chuandong Li; Tingwen Huang; Wanli Zhang. Fixed-time consensus of complex dynamical networks with nonlinear coupling and fuzzy state-dependent uncertainties. Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 2019, 365: 81-97(SCI,JCR Q1, TOP期刊

[4].ShijuYang; Chuandong Li; Tingwen Huang. State-dependent impulsive synchronization of complex dynamical networks with nonlinear coupling. IET Control Theory & Applications, 2018, 12(9), 1189-1200. (SCI,JCR Q2)

[5].ShijuYang; Chuandong Li; Tingwen Huang. Synchronization of coupled memristive chaotic circuits via state-dependent impulsive control. Nonlinear Dynamics, 2017, 88(1): 115-129. (SCI,JCR Q1, TOP期刊)

[6].ShijuYang; Chuandong Li; Tingwen Huang; Hafiz Ahmad. Gulfam. Stability analysis of TS fuzzy system with state-dependent impulses. Neural Processing Letters, 2017, 47(2): 403-426. (SCI,JCR Q3)

[7].ShijuYang; Chuandong Li; Tingwen Huang. Exponential stabilization and synchronization for fuzzy model of memristive neural networks by periodically intermittent control. Neural Networks, 2016, 75: 162-172. (SCI,JCR Q1, TOP期刊)

[8].ShijuYang; Chuandong Li; Tingwen Huang. Finite-time stabilization of uncertain neural networks with distributed time-varying delays. Neural Computing & Applications, 2016, 28(1): 1-9. (SCI,JCR Q1)

[9].ShijuYang; Chuandong Li; Tingwen Huang. Impulsive synchronization for TS fuzzy model of memristor-based chaotic systems with parameter mismatches. International Journal of Control, Automation and Systems, 2016, 14(3): 854-864. (SCI,JCR Q2)

[10].ShijuYang; Dongmei Ruan; Tingting Huang; Hongsen He. Step-function methods for pinning impulsive controlled synchronization over partially coupled complex networks and its application in image encryption and image decryption. ISA Transactions, 2024.

[11].Shiju Yang; Tingting Huang;Dongmei Ruan, Stability analysis of TS fuzzy partially coupled complex networks with pinning impulsive controllers by step function method. Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 2024.

上一条:导师风采——杨数强 下一条:导师风采——杨军超

