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2024年08月26日 09:54  点击:[]

Simon James Fong方正天,毕业于澳大利亚拉筹伯大学,获得一级荣誉工程学士学位和计算机系统博士学位,分别于1993年和1998年获得计算机系统学位和计算机科学博士学位。




在研究领域担任多个重要职位,如IEEE计算智能学会(CIS)"商业智能与知识管理"工作组副主席、IEEE ComSoc e-Health SIG TC主席以及国际科学与工业优化与建模联合会(iCOMSI)副主任。





1.2023.01.01-2024.13.31 医疗图像分割中的新型分割算法: Fast Automatic Medical Image Segmentation for Beldding Gastric Tissue Detection Based on Deep DuS-KFCM Clustrering, 澳门大学出资, 25w澳门元, 代码: MYRG2022-00271-FST

2.2022.09.05-2024.09.04 从实时内窥镜视频中快速自动诊断胃癌的交叉深度学习系统, 澳门FDCT出资, 70w澳门元, 代码: 0032/2022/A

3.2021.12.01-2023.11.30 跨平台集群化分布式重复数据删除技术的研究与应用, 廣州市黃埔區科學技術局出资, 200w人民币, 代码: 國際科技合作項目粵港澳間科技合作專題2021GH10

4.01/12/2020 - 30/11/2022, 北斗时空大数据平台及智慧城市服务关键技术研发, 廣州市黃埔區科學技術局出资,450w人民币, 代码: 國際科技合作項目粵港澳間科技合作專題 2020GH10

5.01/09/2019 - 31/08/2021, 3D结构光人脸识别技术研发及应用, 廣州市黃埔區科學技術局出资, 48w人民币, 代码: 國際科技合作項目粵港澳間科技合作專題EF003/FST-FSJ/2019/GSTIC

6.2019/2-2021/2, 深度學習基於序列的抗菌肽識別及其活性的預測, 澳门大学出资, MOP 70w, code: MYRG2019- 00098




1.Jiaming Zhou, Tengyue Li, Simon James Fong, Nilanjan Dey, Rubén González Crespo: Exploring ChatGPT's Potential for Consultation, Recommendations and Report Diagnosis: Gastric Cancer and Gastroscopy Reports' Case. Int. J. Interact. Multim. Artif. Intell. 8(2): 7 (2023). (SCIE IF: 3.6)

2.Simon Fong, Giancarlo Fortino, Dhanjoo N. Ghista, Francesco Piccialli:Special issue on deep learning and big data analytics for medical e-diagnosis/AI-based e-diagnosis. Neural Comput. Appl. 35(22): 15961-15965 (2023). (SCIE IF: 5.6)

3.Mao, Xiaofan,Zhou, Dan,Lin, Kairong,Zhang, Beiying,Gao, Juntao,Ling, Fei,Zhu, Lewei,Yu, Sifei,Chen, Peixian,Zhang, Chuling,Zhang, Chunguo,Ye, Guolin,Fong, Simon,*Chen, Guoqiang,*Luo, Wei.(2022).Single-cell and spatial transcriptome analyses revealed cell heterogeneity and immune environment alternations in metastatic axillary lymph nodes in breast cancer.Cancer Immunology, Immunotherapy,72(3),679-695. (SCIE IF: 5.8)

4.Liu, Xian Xian,*Yang, Jie,*Fong, Simon,Dey, Nilanjan,Millham, Richard C.,Fiaidhi, Jinan.(2022).All-People-Test-Based Methods for COVID-19 Infectious Disease Dynamics Simulation Model: Towards Citywide COVID Testing.International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health,19(17),10959. (SCIE IF: 4.614)

5.*Li, Tengyue,*Fong, Simon,*Mohammed, Sabah,*Fiaidhi, Jinan,*Guan, Steven,*Chang, Victor.(2022).Empowering multiclass medical data classification by Group-of-Single-Class-predictors and transfer optimization: Cases of structured dataset by machine learning and radiological images by deep learning.Future Generation Computer Systems-The International Journal of eScience,133,10-22. (SCIE IF: 7.5)

6.Yang, Jie,*Fong, Simon,*Wang, Han,Hu, Quanyi,Lin, Chen,Huang, Shigao,Shi, Jian,Lan, Kun,Tang, Rui,Wu, Yaoyang,*Zhao, Qi.(2021).Artificial intelligence in ophthalmopathy and ultra-wide field image: A survey.EXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS,182,115068. (SCIE IF: 8.5)

7.Qun Song,Tengyue Li,Simon Fong,Shuang Liu.(2022).A brick-up model for recombining metaheuristic optimisation algorithm using analytic hierarchy process.Applied Intelligence,53(3),3166-3182. (SCIE IF: 5.019)

8.Yang, Jie,Li, Jinfeng,Lan, Kun,Wei, Anruo,Wang, Han,*Huang, Shigao,*Fong, Simon.(2022).Multi-Label Attribute Selection of Arrhythmia for Electrocardiogram Signals with Fusion Learning.Bioengineering-Basel,9(7). (SCIE IF: 4.6)

9.Tian, Yifei, Song, Wei, Chen, Long, Fong, Simon, Sung, Yunsick, Kwak, Jeonghoon, .(2022).A 3D Object Recognition Method From LiDAR Point Cloud Based on USAE-BLS.IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, (SCIE IF: 9.551)

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