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Administrative Rules of Teaching of Foreign Teachers


The following rules are specially set forth for foreign teachers to adapt themselves to the teaching assignment in Chongqing Technology & Business University (Referred to as CTBU hereinafter).

  1. 在应聘外教到我校工作前双方明确工作内容和教学工作量(包括开课班级、任课班级的人数、办公室工作时间、学生课外活动等)。

    Prior to the arrival of the foreign teacher at CTBU for teaching, the two parties shall determine clearly the contents and workload of teaching (including grades and classes, number of students in a class, working hours in office and extra-curriculum activities, etc.).

  2. 各开课学院为外教配备合作教师,协助外教开展教学和科研工作。

    The involved college will assign a counterpart teacher to assist the foreign teacher in teaching and scientific research work.

  3. 对语言教师的授课内容,由于目前没有统一教材,在开学三周内,外教与各学院合作教师根据国家教委对大学英语口语教学大纲的要求并结合各专业的相关内容,共同讨论授课内容,并制定该学期的授课计划和教学进度。授课计划交国际合作与交流处存档。合作教师协助国际合作与交流处进行不定期的教学进度检查。

    For language teachers, as no unified teaching materials are available, the foreign teacher is to discuss what is to be taught with the counterpart teacher and work out together, within 3 weeks of the school-opening, the teaching plan and schedule in that semester in accordance with the requirements of the syllabus of spoken English at universities set by the Ministry of Education, in coordination with the relevant coverage of various other subjects. The teaching plan shall be handed to the International Cooperation & Exchange Office (shortened as ICEO hereinafter) for file-keeping, which shall carry out irregular check-out on the progress of teaching with the assistance of the counterpart teacher.

  4. 外教要接受相关学院领导和合作教师的随堂听课检查。课后与学院领导和合作教师探讨教学问题,并参加相关教研活动。在期中和期末接受多方位的教学评估。

    The foreign teacher should be ready to subject him- (her-) self to random check-visits to his (her) classes by the college leading member concerned and the counterpart teacher, and the teaching evaluation from multi-aspects both in the middle and at the end of the semester, and participate in the relevant teaching research activities.

  5. 期中教学评估任意一个教学班的总评分数在60分以下的,则甲方有权解除合同,乙方自行承担返程机票费用。任意一个教学班的总评分数在70分以下的,国际合作与交流处不得在合同结束后续聘该外教。

    In the event that Party B gains an average mark lower than 60 out of 100, given by any of his or her teaching classes in the mid-term teaching assessment, Party A has the right to terminate the contract and Party B shall bear the cost of his (her) back-trip air ticket him- (her-) self. In the event that Party B gains an average mark lower than 70 out of 100, given by any by any of his or her teaching classes, Party A shall not make the contract renewal with Party B.

  6. 外籍教师根据教学需要可以使用自备教学材料(包括教材、音像资料等)但应得到相关学院领导的审核和认可。

    In the case of teaching need, the foreign teacher may use self-prepared teaching materials (incl. textbooks and audiovisual materials) subject to prior review and approval by the relevant college (faculty) leading member.

  7. 外教应严格遵守我国有关政策法令和我校的有关规章制度。凡因事或因病不能工作者,应事先提交书面请假条。此外,外籍教师不得随意调课,特殊情况需要调课时,须事先证得所在学院同意,并报国际合作与交流处。不得在学校内外从事以赢利为目的的教学或其他活动。外籍教师无故缺课或未经准假而擅自离校,要根据情节扣除相应的工资。情节严重者,应按聘用合同的规定执行,直至解聘。

    The foreign teacher should strictly observe the law, decrees and policies of China and regulations and rules of CTBU. If the foreign teacher cannot go to work because of sickness or private affairs, a sick leave certificate or written application for leave should be submitted in advance respectively. Furthermore, no change of classes is permitted, unless necessary, approved by the school and reported to the ICEO beforehand. The foreign teacher cannot engage in any teaching or other activities to make money on or outside the campus. The foreign teacher absent from a class or leaving school without permission will suffer due salary deduction according to the seriousness of the case and a serious case will be dealt with in compliance with the Contract up to the extent that he (she) is fired.

  8. 外籍教师在教学中应严格要求学生,并注意听取学生对教学的意见和建议;加强课堂纪律,认真布置和批改作业,做好课外辅导和答疑工作;严格执行考试制度,坚持评分标准。

    The foreign teacher should be strict with students in teaching and pay attention to their feedback; rigidly keep disciplines, seriously carry out assignment and check of students’ homework, after-class tutoring and Q/A; closely observe the exam rules and stick to the grading criteria.

  9. 外教应在规定时间内将期末考试成绩交合作教师,在学生成绩网上登录完成后方可离校。

    The foreign teacher should hand over the final exam results of the semester to the counterpart teacher who will help with the registration of the scores by the deadline prescribed and can leave school only after the results are put on the campus network.

  10. 对工作成绩突出的外籍教师,可参加我校优秀教师评选。

    The foreign teacher who has made outstanding contribution is eligible to be a candidate for the title of Excellent Teachers in CTBU.

  11. 尊重外籍教师的宗教信仰,但不允许外教在教学中进行传教或宣传宗教的活动。在教学中一般性的涉及宗教背景的有关知识的介绍,不应简单的被视为宣传宗教。

    The foreign teacher’s religion will be respected but it is not allowed for the foreign teacher to preach or carry out any religious publicity activities. General introduction to knowledge of the background of religion during teaching should not be taken as religious publicity.

  12. 外籍教师不得在校外兼职。

    The foreign teacher should not have concurrent job outside CTBU.

  13. 学期结束时,外籍教师需写一份书面的教学总结,并提交给国际合作与交流处。

    The foreign teacher needs to write a summary of teaching and submit it to the ICEO at the end of a semester.


