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Chongqing Technology & Business University Prohibition on

Teaching & Administrative Staff's Unethical Acts


According to The Opinions of the Ministry of Education about Establishing and Improving the Long-term Mechanism to Foster the Teacher's Ethics over the Whole School(Doc. JiaoShi [2014] No. 10), Chongqing Technology & Business University (CTBU) has worked out with much deliberation the Red Line of teaching and administrative staff’s ethics, clearly defining “CTBU Teaching & Administrative Staff’s Prohibited Unethical Acts” as follows::

  1. 严禁学校教师有损害国家利益,损害学生和学校合法权益的行为;

It is strictly prohibited for the staff to cause, by his/her

act, any damage to the national interests, and the

legitimate rights and interests of students and CTBU;

  1. 严格执行教育与宗教相分离,严禁学校教师在学校从事宗教宣讲、传播或组织宗教活动;

The staff should strictly implement the regulation of

separating education from religion. It is forbidden for the

staff to conduct religious preach, propagation and

activities at school;

  1. 严禁学校教师在科研工作中弄虚作假、抄袭剽窃、篡改 侵吞他人学术成果、违规使用科研经费以及滥用学术资源和学术影响;

The staff is strictly prohibited to practice fraud and

plagiarism, tamper with and misappropriate others'

academic achievements, misuse scientific research

outlays and abuse academic resources and influence in

scientific research work;

  1. 严格执行哲学社会科学类活动报备审批制度,严禁学校教师在校园内未经批准举办哲学社会科学类讲座、报告、沙龙和研讨会等

The staff should strictly implement the report,

registration and approval regulations of activities of

philosophy and social science. It is strictly prohibited

for the staff to deliver lectures, make reports or hold

salons or seminars, etc on philosophy and social

science on campus without permission;

  1. 严禁学校教师在招生、考试、学生推优、保研、和奖助学金评定等工作中徇私舞弊;

    It is strictly prohibited for the staff to play favoritism and

    commit irregularities in enrollment, exams,

    recommending students as outstanding individuals,

    recommending students for admission to postgraduate

    school, and allocating student grants and scholarships;

  2. 严禁学校教师索要或收受学生及家长的礼品、礼金、有价证券、支付凭证等财物;

It is strictly prohibited for the staff to ask for or accept

any presents, cash gifts, marketable securities,

disbursement vouchers or other property from students

or their parents;

  1. 严禁学校教师对学生实施性骚扰或与学生发生不正当关系。

It is strictly prohibited for the staff to make any sexual

harassment or have any improper relationships with



The staff member who has conducted any of the above prohibited act or any other act in violation of the CTBU staff's professional ethics shall be punished by giving a warning or keeping a demerit recording, or degrading his/her professional technical position, removing him/her from his/her professional technical post or administrative post, terminating the employment contract or dismissing him/her in accordance with the relevant law or rule, respectively. The one who has seriously violated the law or rules shall be handed over to the relevant authorities and investigation made for legal liabilities.

上一条:重庆工商大学外籍教师教学管理制度 下一条:重庆工商大学外籍教师病假、事假管理制度

