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The Administrative Rules of Sick and Private-Affair Leave of Foreign Teachers

  1. 外籍教师请病假,须出示我校指定的涉外医院医生诊断证明。

    A foreign teacher’s sick leave must be attested by the medical certificate issued by a doctor in the foreigner-serving hospital designated by CTBU.

  2. 外籍教师请病假,应及时告知学院或国际合作与交流处和合作教师,以便通知相关学生。

    The foreign teacher on sick leave should notify the school or International Cooperation & Exchange Office (referred to as the ICEO hereinafter) and the counterpart teacher in advance so that the students concerned are advised in time.

  3. 如乙方在一个月内因病假未能上课连续不超过五个工作日(含五个工作日),工资按100%发给,如连续超过六个工作日(含六个工作日),当月工资按70%发给,直至恢复正常工作为止。连续病假六个工作日以上,应出具医生休假证明。

    If the foreign teacher does not teach any classes for no more than 5 workdays consecutively because of sick leave in one month, 100% of salary will be paid, but in case of 6 workdays and over, only 70% paid until he (she) resumes normal work. In the event of sick leave for 6 workdays and over, a sick leave certificate from a doctor is needed.

  4. 外籍教师请事假须经国际合作与交流处同意。在一学期内,事假累计不能超过五天,连续事假不能超过三天,超过一天工资按日扣发。

    The foreign teacher should ask the ICEO for approval on leave for private affairs, which shall be no more than 5 days accumulatively or no more than 3 days successively during one semesterand salary shall be deducted for an excess day correspondingly.

  5. 外籍教师未经同意擅离职守的,旷课一天,扣发3天工资。情节严重造成严重后果的,可以解除合同,并追究其违约责任。

    Absence from duty for one day without permission shall be the cause of deduction of 3 days’ salary. In a serious case, Party A has the right to cancel the Contract and Party B shall be liable for breaching the Contract.

  6. 外籍教师请假外出时,为安全起见,应向国际合作与交流处说明去向和返回时间。

    When asking for leave to go outing, the foreign teacher should inform the ICEO of the destination and return time for the sake of his (her) safety.

  7. 外籍教师假期外出旅游前,应填写好旅游计划,并最迟在出发一周前交国际合作与交流处。

    The foreign teacher should write out a travel plan and submit it to the ICEO a week before his (her) departure for the tour during a vacation.

上一条:重庆工商大学教职工“师德禁区” 下一条:重庆工商大学外籍教师旅费管理规定

